
Only pay for the specific modules you use per user account, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity while minimizing costs.

#ModuleSolutionFunctionaitiesMonthly fee/user (US$)Who needs it?
Digitalization of organizational structure and user accountSet up any model, organizational structure from simple to complex, create user groups and grant user access permissions.FREESystem Admin
2MESSAGINGControl all internal communication informationAllow sending text messages, multimedia, images, data files; highlight important messages; set up automatic reminder chat bots; user interaction permissions; ELIMINATE the habit of using other distracting communication channels, mixing personal and company matters; full control over employee account management; organization’s information security.$1.0All employees
3CALLLL CENTERSetup call center, routes, extensionSet up a multi-purpose telephone switchboard: sales, communication, customer satisfaction surveys…$5.5Sale Managers
4CALL DYNAMICSCall center for every employeeEmployees use the multi-purpose telephone switchboard for sales, communication, customer satisfaction surveys…; they can also track call history, charges, and customer and employee directories.$5.5Sales, Marketing, Customer Service employees
5CRM DATABASECustomer data warehouseAllow managers to:
- Create, update, and store detailed information about customers, partners, and create data sources for use in other modules.
- Allocate customer group lists for each responsible employee.
FREESale Managers
6CRM DYNAMICSDigitize all interactions with customers and salesModule for direct sales employees, including functions: Add new, edit, update customer profiles, interact (via phone or in person), sell, analyze, and statistics on employee interactions with customers.$2.5Sale Representatives
7CRM 360Automatically analyze customers & salesAllow managers to view comprehensive and detailed reports on the number of customers, customer interactions by employee, sales volume by employee, call duration tracking (if interacting via phone), order lists… for convenient monitoring, management, and coordination.$1.0Sale Managers
8HR FOR MANAGEREstablish personnel operating regulationsSet up flexible human resource policies applicable to the business (annual leave days, sick leave, overtime wage policies, work shifts, regulations…).FREEHR Managers
9HR FOR SUPERVISORApprove employee requestsManagers approve employees’ business trips, leave requests, and overtime work schedules.$0.5Division Supervisors
10SUPERVISING TEAMSupervisor check in/out for staffSupervisors use their smartphone to check in/out, register/approve leave request, register/approve OT for Staff who don’t have a device.$2.0Division Supervisors
11HR FOR EVERYONESelf-operate daily human resources operationsAll employees perform timekeeping based on actual working hours, view work schedules, check annual leave quotas, and request leave, overtime, or additional hours.$1.5All employees
12HR SPECIALISTDigitize personnel files, calculate salaries in a minuteManage personnel files and salary management for all employees in the company.$14.5C&B Employees
13MY 360Employees self-monitor their own profiles and HR activitiesEach employee self-manages their own personnel files and salary.$1.0All employees
Recruit suitable personnel with minimum costSet up and manage the entire recruitment process: create job postings, application rounds, create assessments (incorporating desired training content) for each round, score assessments, collect results, notify candidates of outcomes, contact and invite for interviews.$10.5Recruitment Employees
15JOB APPLICANTApplicant applies for jobsCandidates fulfill the requirements for each round of the applied position.FREECandidates
16PRODUCT PROFILEDigitize product and asset records- Set up and digitize input product-asset data to manage inventory.

- Track the list and information of created products-assets.
FREEInventory Employees
17INVENTORY CLERKManage Inbound - Outbound - Inventory- Warehouse entry for established products-assets.
- Warehouse exit for products-assets that have been entered.
- Re-entry or internal transfer for products-assets that have been exited.
$5.5Inventory Clarks
18INVENTORY AUDITInventory auditSet up inventory audit schedules, perform audits to count the remaining quantity of products-assets in the warehouse.$1.0Inventory Employees
19CXM MANAGERCustomer experience managementSet up forms for customers to easily provide feedback on services/support requests; set up and manage customer care/support processes; create customer satisfaction surveys using NPS (Net Promoter Score).$2.0CX Managers
20CXM DYNAMICSFollow through incident casesEmployees receive customer error/incident reports, provide support, and update support information in real-time.$2.0Customer Service Employees
21FINANCE MANAGEMENTCash flow management (advance, receipt, expenditure)Register advances, payments, digitize income and expenses,…$2.0CFO
22FINANCE DYNAMICSSelf-manage financeManage income and expenses, approve advances, payments,…$0.5All employees
23DOCUMENTS MANAGEMENTDocument and record managementDigitize and schedule reminders for company and employee documents with expiration dates.$1.0All employees
24DIGITAL RESOURCEAggregate digital resourcesAggregate and categorize digital resources in various formats such as videos, PDF files, images,..$1.0All employees
25TASK MANAGEMENTManage task allocation using SCRUM methodologyManage task assignments, real-time progress updates; easily track and manage job categories.FREEDivision Managers
26TASK DYNAMICSImplement daily protocolEmployees receive tasks, plan daily meetings, update real-time progress; easily track and manage their own and other team members’ job categories.$1.0All employees
27APPROVAL MANAGERSet up apporoval processesADMIN: Set up approval processes.$1.0Division Managers
28REQUEST APPROVALFollow through approvel processesEMPLOYEES: Submit approval requests and perform approvals (in cases where employees are assigned as approvers according to the process).$1.0All employees